with Multisoft Systems
: SAS (Base & Advance)
SAS is the leader in business intelligence and predictive
analytics software for SAS education and SAS training. With our lots of
Experience Multisoft Systems can help you to enhance the performance by transforming
data into predictive insights. SAS software training helps in every industry to
transform the data into predictive insights about organization’s performance,
customers, markets, risks and more.
The SAS Certified Advanced Programmer for SAS 9 credential
represents the upper echelon of SAS programmers. Those who earn the advanced
programming credential have demonstrated a high level of proficiency in SAS programming
expertise and are a much sought after commodity in the global job market.

Course Overview:
Introduction to SAS . SAS Language
- SAS Macros
- Overview of frequently used SAS
- Proc Print, Proc Means, Proc
Univariate, Proc Freq, Proc Gchart, Proc Gplo t, Proc Corr, Proc Reg, Proc
- Running SAS programs in SAS
Display Manager & Navigating among SAS
- Invoking SAS via a shortcut icon
or Start Menu
- Program Editor Window -
Explaining SAS Syntax
- Output Window - Examining
program output
- Log Window - Checking the SAS
log for errors
- Creating SAS code or Opening a
SAS program
- Running a program
- Recalling Text
- Descriptive information and
- Run the program that contains
Proc Means, Proc Univariate, Proc Summary, Proc Freq, Proc Gchart, Proc
Gplot, Proc Corr, Proc Reg, and Proc GLM. Ask to look for By and Class
statements, and List option.
- An overview of statistical tests
in SAS (specially for candidates with statistics background)
- Proc TTest, Proc Freq (Look for
options CHISQ, EXACT), Proc Corr, Proc Reg, Proc GLM, Proc ANOVA
- Exploring data with graphics
- Proc Gchart (vbar, hbar, pie
statements), Proc Gplot, Customizing the Graphs
of SAS
- Using where statement with SAS
- Missing values in SAS
- Common SAS options
- Overview of SAS syntax of SAS
- Common error messages in SAS
Raw Data into SAS
- Reading raw data into SAS
- Reading dates into SAS, and
using dates
Data Manipulation in SAS
- Creating and recoding variables
- Using SAS functions for
making/recoding variables
- Subsetting variables and
- Labeling data, variables and
- Using Proc Sort and the By
- Making and using permanent SAS
data files
Data Manipulation in SAS
- Merging Data Files via Data Step
- Merging Data Files via Proc SQL
- Concatenating (stacking) SAS
data files
- Working across variables
- Collapsing across observations
in SAS via Proc Means
- Collapsing across observations
in SAS via Proc SQL
- Collapsing across observations
in SAS via Data Steps
- Reshaping data from wide to long
via Proc Transpose
- Reshaping data from wide to long
via Data Step
- Reshaping data from long to wide
via Proc Transpose
- Reshaping data from long to wide
via Data Steps
(Output Delivery System)
- Creating >>>>
- HTML, XML, RTF & PDF Files
- Introduction of SAS /Stat
- Introduction to Basic Statistics
- Statistical Procedures
- Introduction of SAS /Graph
- Basics of Plots & Graphs
- Graphical Procedures