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Showing posts with label AUTO CAD CERTIFICATION PROGRAM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AUTO CAD CERTIFICATION PROGRAM. Show all posts

Monday, 22 April 2013


Training With Multisoft Systems RHCVS-318 Certification Program

Red Hat Certified Virtualization Administrator (RHCVA-318) is a certification program for virtualization administrators and is performance-based, like all other Red Hat Certifications. Virtualization provides greater IT efficiency and reduces capital & operational costs, by running multiple operating systems within a single server system. Cost and operational efficiencies make virtualization a hot favorite to data centers and other businesses, thus creating a huge demand for Virtualization Administrators.
By implementing a server consolidation strategy, you can increase the space utilization efficiency in your data center. We can deploy multiple operating system technologies on a single hardware platform (i.e. Windows Server 2003, Linux, Windows 2000, etc) Lower number of physical servers - you can reduce hardware maintenance costs because of a lower number of physical servers.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Apache Hadoop Training and Certification

Training With Multisoft Systems Apache Hadoop

This 5-day course provides training for administrators with the fundamentals required tosuccessfully implement and maintains Hadoop clusters. The course consists of an effective mix of interactive lecture and extensive use of hands-on lab exercises. After successfully completing this course each student will receive one free voucher for the Hadoop Certified Administrator exam
Multisoft Systems four-day developer training course delivers the key concepts and expertise necessary to create robust data processing applications using Apache Hadoop. Through lecture and interactive, hands-on exercises, attendees will navigate the Hadoop ecosystem, learning topics such as:
• Map Reduce and the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and how to write Map Reduce code
• Best practices and considerations for Hadoop development, debugging techniques and implementation of workflows and common algorithms
• How to leverage Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Flume, Oozie and other projects from the Apache Hadoop ecosystem
• Optimal hardware configurations and network considerations for building out, maintaining and monitoring your Hadoop cluster
• Advanced Hadoop API topics required for real-world data analysis
This course is intended for experienced developers who wish to write, maintain and/or optimize Apache Hadoop jobs. A background in Java is preferred, but experience with other programming languages such as PHP, Python or C# is sufficient.
Course Objectives:
By taking this course, administrators are enabled to perform the following:
• Utilize best practices for deploying Hadoop clusters
• Determine hardware needs
• Monitor Hadoop clusters
• Recover from NameNode failure
• Handle DataNode failures
• Manage hardware upgrade processes including node removal, configuration changes, node installation and rebalancing clusters
• Manage log files
• Install, configure, deploy verify and maintain Hadoop clusters including:
• MapReduce
• Pig & Hive (and My SQL)
•H Base (and Zoo Keeper) & H Catalog
• Mahout
Target Audience
• Administrators who are interested in learning how to deploy and manage a Hadoopcluster. We recommend students have previous experience with UNIX.
Course Outline:
Introduction the Case for Apache Hadoop
• A Brief History of Hadoop
• Core Hadoop Components
• Fundamental Concepts
The Hadoop Distributed File System :
•HDFS Features
•HDFS Design Assumptions
• Overview of HDFS Architecture
• Writing and Reading Files
• Name Node Considerations
• An Overview of HDFS Security
• Hands-On Exercise
Map Reduce:
• What Is Map Reduce?
• Features of Map Reduce
• Basic Map Reduce Concepts
• Architectural Overview
• Map Reduce Version 2
• Failure Recovery
• Hands-On Exercise
An Overview of the Hadoop Ecosystem
• What is the Hadoop Ecosystem?
• Integration Tools
• Analysis Tools
• Data Storage and Retrieval Tools
Planning your Hadoop Cluster:
• General planning Considerations
• Choosing the Right Hardware
• Network Considerations
• Configuring Nodes Hadoop Installation
• Deployment Types
• Installing Hadoop
• Using Hadoop Manager for Easy Installation
• Basic Configuration Parameters
• Hands-On Exercise
Advanced Configuration :
• Advanced Parameters
• Configuring Rack Awareness
• Configuring Federation
• Configuring High Availability
• Using Configuration Management Tools
Hadoop Security :
• Why Hadoop Security Is Important
• Hadoop’s Security System Concepts
• What Kerberos Is and How it Works
• Configuring Kerberos Security
• Integrating a Secure Cluster with Other Systems
Managing and Scheduling Jobs:
• Managing Running Jobs
• Hands-On Exercise
• The FIFO Scheduler
• The Fair Scheduler
• Configuring the Fairr Scheduler
• Hands-On Exercise
Cluster Maintenance:
•Checking HDFS Status
•Hands-On Exercise
•Copying Data Between Clusters
•Adding and Removing Cluster Nodes
•Rebalancing the Cluster
•Hands-On Exercise
•NameNode Metadata Backup
• Cluster Upgrading
Cluster Monitoring and Troubleshooting:
• General System Monitoring
• Managing Hadoop’s Log Files
• Using the Name Node and Job Tracker Web UrIs
• Hands-On Exercise
• Cluster Monitoring with Ganglia
• Common Troubleshooting Issues
• Benchmarking Your Cluster
Populating HDFS from External Sources:
• An Overview of Flume
• Hands-On Exercise
• An Overview of Sqoop
• Best Practices for Importing Data
Installing and Managing Other Hadoop Projects:
• Hive
• Pig
•H Base
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS):
Recognize and identify daemons and understand the normal operation of an Apache Hadoopcluster, both in data storage and in data processing. Describe the current features of computing systems that motivate a system like Apache Hadoop:
• HDFS Design
• HDFS Daemons
• HDFS Federation
• Securing HDFS (Kerberos)
• File Read and Write Paths
Developing Solutions Using Apache Hadoop
This course is intended for experienced developers who wish to write, maintain and/or optimize Apache Hadoop jobs. A background in Java is preferred, but experience with other programming languages such as PHP, Python or C# is sufficient.
Course Outline:
Introduction the Motivation for Hadoop
• Problems with Traditional Large-Scale Systems
• Requirements for a New Approach
• Introducing Hadoop
Hadoop: Basic Concepts:
• The Had Project and Hadoop Components
• The Hadoop Distributed File System
• Hands-On Exercise: Using HDFS
• How MapReduce Works
• Hands-On Exercise: Running a MapReduce Job
• How a Hadoop Cluster Operates
• Other Hadoop Ecosystem Projects
Writing a Map Reduce Program:
• The Map Reduce Flow
• Basic Map Reduce API Concepts
• Writing Map Reduce Drivers, Mappers and Reducers in Java
• Writing Mapers and Reducers in Other Languages Using the Streaming API
• Speeding Up Hadoop Development by Using Eclipse
•Hands-On Exercise: Writing a Map Reduce Program
• Differences between the Old and New Map Reduce APIs
Unit Testing Map Reduce Programs:
• Unit Testing
• The J Unit and MR Unit Testing Frameworks
• Writing Unit Tests with MR Unit
• Hands-On Exercise: Writing Unit Tests with the MR Unit Framework
Diving Deeper into the Hadoop API :
• Using the Tool Runner Class
• Hands-On Exercise: Writing and Implementing a Combiner
• Setting Up and Tearing Down Mappers and Reducers by Using the Configure andClose Methods
• Writing Custom Petitioners for Better Load Balancing
• Optional Hands-On Exercise: Writing a Practitioner
• Accessing HDFS Programmatically
• Using the Distributed Cache
• Using the Hadoop API’s Library of Mappers, Reducers and Partitioners
Practical Development Tips and Techniques:
• Strategies for Debugging Map Reduce Code
• Testing Map Reduce Code Locally by Using Local Job Reducer
• Writing and Viewing Log Files
• Retrieving Job Information with Counters
• Determining the Optimal Number of Reducers for a Job
• Creating Map-Only MapReduce Jobs
• Hands-On Exercise: Using Counters and a Map-Only Job
Data Input and Output:
• Creating Custom Writable and WritableComparable Implementations
• Saving Binary Data Using SequenceFile and Avro Data Files
• Implementing Custom Input Formats and Output Formats
• Issues to Consider When Using File Compression
• Hands-On Exercise: Using SequenceFiles and File Compression
Common MapReduce Algorithms :
• Sorting and Searching Large Data Sets
• Performing a Secondary Sort
• Indexing Data
• Hands-On Exercise: Creating an Inverted Index
• Computing Term Frequency — Inverse Document Frequency
• Calculating Word Co-Occurrence
• Hands-On Exercise: Calculating Word Co-Occurrence (Optional)
• Hands-On Exercise: Implementing Word Co-Occurrence with a Customer Writable Cable (Optional)
Joining Data Sets in Map Reduce Jobs:
• Writing a Map-Side Join
• Writing a Reduce-Side Join
Integrating Hadoop into the Enterprise Workflow:
•Integrating Hadoop into an Existing Enterprise
•Loading Data from an RDBMS into HDFS by Using Sqoop
• Hands-On Exercise: Importing Data with Sqoop
• Managing Real-Time Data Using Flume
• Accessing HDFS from Legacy Systems with Fuse DFS
Machine Learning and Mahout:
• Introduction to Machine Learning
• Using Mahout
• Hands-On Exercise: Using a Mahout Recommender
An Introduction to Hive and Pig:
• The Motivation for Hive and Pig
• Hive Basics
•Hands-On Exercise: Manipulating Data with Hive
•Pig Basics and  HttpFS
• Hands-On Exercise: Using Pig to Retrieve Movie Names from Our Recommender
• Choosing Between Hive and Pig
An Introduction to Oozie:
•Introduction to Oozie
•Creating Oozie Workflows
•Hands-On Exercise: Running an Oozie Workflow
Industry Interface Program
• Modular Assignments
• Mini Projects
• 1 Major Project
Domains / Industry:
•Retail Industry
•Banking & Finance
•Manufacturing & Production
•Web Application Development
•Research & Analytics
•HR & Consultancy
• Consumer Electronics
• Event Management Industry
• Telecom
Training & Performance Tracking:
Knowledge related to current technology aspects and corporate level deliverable & Continuous training and assessment to make you industry ready. Throughout the Training Curriculum Candidate will go through a Scheduled Assessment Process as below:
• Continues Assessments
• Practical Workshops
• Modular Assignments
• Case Studies & Analysis
• Presentations (Latest Trends & Technologies)
• Tech Seminars
• Technical Viva
• Observing live Models of various projects
• Domain Specific Industry Projects
Skills Development Workshop:
Communication is something which all of us do from the very first day of our life, yet there isa question that haunts us most of the time “Did I express myself correctly in such and such situation?” The answer to this question is really tricky, because in some cases we leave our signatures and good impression but in some others we even fail to get our idea clearly. It happens mostly because we don’t know how to act in certain situations. Every time we fail we don’t lose completely, we do learn something, but prior knowledge of the same thing could be more beneficial because then we could have turned that failure into success.
The course / workshop would focus at many aspects of personality, like:
• Building positive relationships with peers & seniors
• Building self-confidence & Developing clear communication skills
• Exploring and working on factors that help or hinder effective interpersonal communication
• Learning impacts of non-verbal behavior & Dealing with difficult situations anddifficult people
Workshops Consists of Following Activities:
• Personality Development
• Group Discussions & Debates
• Seminars & Presentations
• Case Studies & Analysis
• Corporate Communication Development
• HR & Interview Skills
• Management Games & Simulations
• Aptitude, Logical & Reasoning Assessments & Development 

Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Training with Multisoft Systems


Multisoft System’s CAD/CAM TRAINING gives a good exposure to the students. Our courses on CAD/CAM are widely accepted.  Lab classroom activities are supplemented by practice & project work.
Multisoft Systems is an Expertise CAD Training Organization from NOIDA, India. CAD training Programme include CAD design, CAD drafting, CAD drawing conversion, assembly to detail drawings, solid modeling. Multisoft Systems Provide the Training in CAD Programmes With the necessary hardware (Computer Terminals, plotters, Large format Photostat M/c's), software (Pro-Engineer Wildfire  5.0 AutoCAD, MDT, Inventer, 3D Studio VIZ, STAAD.Pro, STAAD.etc, AutoCIVIL) and 10+ yrs of experience, Multisoft Systems has Proven to be the Best organization for CAD/CAM/CAE Training. Multisoft System is having Trained Faculty to teach the Emerging trends in CAD/CAM/CAE.
Course Overview:
Dedicated, well furnished, well equipped state of the art AC training classrooms providing individual workstations (HP workstations With 2.83Ghz Xeon Processor, 4 GB RAM, NVIDIA Graphics Card, 22" TFT Monitor) & Attention to maximize your learning experience.
Our training is centered on the application of concepts learned in the lecture through hands-on practicals. We provide graphics workstation for each student so that one can individually work with the software at their own pace.
All of our instructors have successfully completed a rigorous training program to expand technical product knowledge before delivering lecture to the students. To impart high-quality training they keep their skills up-to-date through ongoing professional development.
Courses Available are:

1.)    AutoCAD 2012 (LATEST VERSION OF AutoCAD)

·         The latest AutoCAD release is AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD 2012 for Mac. This release marked the 26th major release for the AutoCAD for Windows, and the second consecutive year for AutoCAD for Mac. Both the Windows and the Mac version can be found on the Autodesk website along with more detailed information about purchasing, licensing, and terms of agreement

2.)    CATIA V4 and V5( Latest Version In CATIA)
·         CATIA offers a solution to model complex and intelligent products through the systems engineering approach. It covers the requirements definition, the systems architecture, the behavior modeling and the virtual product or embedded software generation. CATIA can be customized via application programming interfaces (API). CATIA V5 & V6 can be adapted using Visual Basic and C++ programming languages via CAA (Component Application Architecture); a component object model (COM)-like interface.
·         Although later versions of CATIA V4 implemented NURBS, V4 principally used piecewise polynomial surfaces. CATIA V4 uses a non-manifold solid engine.
·         Catia V5 features a parametric solid/surface-based package which uses NURBS as the core surface representation and has several workbenches that provide KBE support.
·         V5 can work with other applications, including Enovia, Smarteam, and various CAE Analysis applications.
3.)    PROE:
·         Like any software it is continually being developed to include new functionality. The details below aim to outline the scope of capabilities to give an overview rather than giving specific details on the individual functionality of the product.
·         Creo Elements/Pro is a software application within the CAID/CAD/CAM/CAE category, along with other similar products currently on the market.
·         Creo Elements/Pro is a parametric, feature-based modeling architecture incorporated into a single database philosophy with advanced rule-based design capabilities. The capabilities of the product can be split into the three main heading of Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing. This data is then documented in a standard 2D production drawing or the 3D drawing standard ASME Y14.41-2003.

4.)    STAAD.PRO:

·         In recent years it has become part of integrated structural analysis and design solutions mainly using an exposed API called OpenSTAAD to access and drive the program using an VB macro system included in the application or other by including OpenSTAAD functionality in applications that themselves include suitable programmable macro systems. Additionally STAAD.Pro is has added direct links to applications such as RAM Connection and STAAD.

5.)    3ds MAX:

·         Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2012 software delivers powerful new rendering toolsets, enhanced iterative workflows, and an accelerated graphics core that together help increase overall productivity. With this release, Autodesk helps designers to more effective influence key stakeholders and accelerate the path to new business. Featuring the physically accurate “point resolution-independent procedural textures, and 2012 helps designers present their creative vision more effectively. Moreover, with the Nitrous render quality accelerated viewports, designers can rapidly iterate on their ideas to achieve more compelling end results. Furthermore, with new software products and automated workflows with AutoCAD® Civil 3D® software, CAD data is more easily aggregated into powerful storytelling visualizations. Top Features and Benefits.

6.)    Solidworks Premium:

·         SolidWorks Premium provides a suite of product development tools mechanical design, design verification, data management, and communication tools. SolidWorks Premium includes all of the capabilities of SolidWorks Professional as well as routing and analysis tools, including SolidWorks Routing, SolidWorks Simulation, and SolidWorks Motion.
·         SolidWorks Education Edition Provides the same design functionality but is configured and packaged for engineering and industrial design students.

7.)    Primavera:

·         Primavera is the most powerful, robust, and easy to use solution for globally prioritizing, planning, managing and executing projects, programs and portfolios. Primavera is an integrated project portfolio management (PPM) solution comprising role-specific functionality to satisfy each team member's needs, responsibilities and skills. It provides a single solution for managing projects of any size, adapts to various levels of complexities within a project, and intelligently scales to meet the needs of various roles, functions, or skill levels in your organization.

8.)    Revit Architecture:

·         Revit is intended to be a major component in Building Information Modeling. A main function of Revit is to eliminate redundancies such as having multiple models across industries. Currently, architects, consultants, general contractors, and manufacturers all create their own models and databases from information handed down in a chain of command. BIM intends to replace this approach with a more centralized one. Revit models created in different disciplines (Architectural, Structural, and Mechanical) can be linked and/or combined into one model. This allows a single model and associated database to be kept, ensuring that all parties have the latest information and that there are no errors in translation. Revit also utilizes its rendering engine to remove the interpretation from complex geometries, allowing more intricate designs to be made and understood

9.)    ANSYS:

·         ANSYS, is an engineering simulation software (computer-aided engineering, or CAE) developer
·         ANSYS wants to ensure that you obtain the most benefit from your software tools and contribute to the productivity of your organization with as short a learning curve as possible. Comprehensive training solutions encompass a variety of course levels and subject matter to meet your evolving needs.
·         Covering a broad range of topics from the basic physical concepts to advanced modeling techniques through scheduled classes to customized training at your own site, training solutions are designed to provide you with both the comprehensive and subject-specific knowledge you need to effectively apply ANSYS software tools to solve your engineering problems.
·         Whether you are new to engineering simulation or a highly skilled specialist, ANSYS can provide the training and guidance you need to succeed. The following table lists ANSYS corporate training locations. For training courses hosted by channel partners, visit training partners in North America or training partners in the General International Area.

10.)                        Unigraphic Solutions:
·         NX, also known as NX Unigraphics or usually just U-G, is an advanced CAD/CAM/CAE software package developed by Siemens PLM Software. It is used, among other tasks, for: Design (parametric and direct solid/surface modelling)Engineering analysis (static, dynamic, electro-magnetic, thermal, using the Finite Element Method, and fluid using the finite volume method). Manufacturing finished design by using included machining modules.NX is a direct competitor to Creo Elements/Pro, CATIA, SolidWorks and Autodesk Inventor.
·         For simulation, NX 6 delivers more than 350 user-driven enhancements encompassing 10 different applications for pervasive lifecycle simulation. NX 6 Advanced Simulation directly leverages Design Freedom powered by synchronous technology to enable the rapid evaluation of design modifications based on geometry from any CAD system. NX 6 combines unique 3-D geometry editing, automated abstraction and FE meshing tools with in-depth bottom-up finite element (FE) modeling and meshing tools. The new assembly capability for FE models enables engineers to integrate the separate simulation modeling efforts of distributed teams, such as suppliers and global design/analysis teams. NX 6 advanced simulation handles the most demanding CAE challenges, providing a 30 percent reduction in physical prototypes.