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Showing posts with label Application Service Providers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Application Service Providers. Show all posts

Friday, 20 September 2013

Cloud Computing: Get trained to greater your chances to succeed

Are you willing to upgrade yourself to the cloud computing nitty-gritty? Or are you looking for a credible platform that can easily help you acquaint with changing concepts pertaining to computer world? If yes the Multisoft Systems comes with a unique solution to serve you with preeminent platform and matchless assistance in anything and everything related to computer world and the languages.
What is Cloud Computing?
Before starting up with as in what you as a student can get at Multisoft Systems, it’s better to take a glance at what is Cloud Computing. It is an expression which is used to express different computer concepts which involve large number computer systems connected to real time communication network. This helps in running a program over different programs connected via network at the same time. It is basically network based services which are delivered by the real time hardware, which is ideally served by the vitual set up of hardware, simulated by the software which is actually running on one or more real machines.
Advantages of Cloud Computing to the Organizations and the Surging Demand
Do you wonder about the benefits of connecting several computers over a network, then yes, the advantages are usually high in terms of economies of scales. The major advantage of cloud computing is it puts due efforts in maximizing the effectiveness of shared resources. Cloud computing resources are not shared by several users but are allocated as per the demand of the users. One similar application can serve the one particular client at one time; same application can serve other client other time on their demand.
Advantages drawn from the application has indeed surged the demand for experts in cloud computing.
How Multisoft Systems Helps?
Multisoft Systems (Microsoft Learning Partner) is a leading educational organization, having excelled in serving best training platform to the students and professionals.
The organizations are partner with technology provider and provides strong career base to the aspirants.  Delivering practical classes by team of trained experts, the organization ensure smart assistance.
The organization has 12+ Years of Success, Over 100,000 Students / Professionals Trained, 10,000+ Placements, 100+ Companies on Board, Certified Trainers from Industry.
If cloud computing and excellence is all what you are looking for then, Multisoft Systems is a right platform to add wings to your career.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Apache Hadoop Training and Certification

Training With Multisoft Systems Apache Hadoop

This 5-day course provides training for administrators with the fundamentals required tosuccessfully implement and maintains Hadoop clusters. The course consists of an effective mix of interactive lecture and extensive use of hands-on lab exercises. After successfully completing this course each student will receive one free voucher for the Hadoop Certified Administrator exam
Multisoft Systems four-day developer training course delivers the key concepts and expertise necessary to create robust data processing applications using Apache Hadoop. Through lecture and interactive, hands-on exercises, attendees will navigate the Hadoop ecosystem, learning topics such as:
• Map Reduce and the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and how to write Map Reduce code
• Best practices and considerations for Hadoop development, debugging techniques and implementation of workflows and common algorithms
• How to leverage Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Flume, Oozie and other projects from the Apache Hadoop ecosystem
• Optimal hardware configurations and network considerations for building out, maintaining and monitoring your Hadoop cluster
• Advanced Hadoop API topics required for real-world data analysis
This course is intended for experienced developers who wish to write, maintain and/or optimize Apache Hadoop jobs. A background in Java is preferred, but experience with other programming languages such as PHP, Python or C# is sufficient.
Course Objectives:
By taking this course, administrators are enabled to perform the following:
• Utilize best practices for deploying Hadoop clusters
• Determine hardware needs
• Monitor Hadoop clusters
• Recover from NameNode failure
• Handle DataNode failures
• Manage hardware upgrade processes including node removal, configuration changes, node installation and rebalancing clusters
• Manage log files
• Install, configure, deploy verify and maintain Hadoop clusters including:
• MapReduce
• Pig & Hive (and My SQL)
•H Base (and Zoo Keeper) & H Catalog
• Mahout
Target Audience
• Administrators who are interested in learning how to deploy and manage a Hadoopcluster. We recommend students have previous experience with UNIX.
Course Outline:
Introduction the Case for Apache Hadoop
• A Brief History of Hadoop
• Core Hadoop Components
• Fundamental Concepts
The Hadoop Distributed File System :
•HDFS Features
•HDFS Design Assumptions
• Overview of HDFS Architecture
• Writing and Reading Files
• Name Node Considerations
• An Overview of HDFS Security
• Hands-On Exercise
Map Reduce:
• What Is Map Reduce?
• Features of Map Reduce
• Basic Map Reduce Concepts
• Architectural Overview
• Map Reduce Version 2
• Failure Recovery
• Hands-On Exercise
An Overview of the Hadoop Ecosystem
• What is the Hadoop Ecosystem?
• Integration Tools
• Analysis Tools
• Data Storage and Retrieval Tools
Planning your Hadoop Cluster:
• General planning Considerations
• Choosing the Right Hardware
• Network Considerations
• Configuring Nodes Hadoop Installation
• Deployment Types
• Installing Hadoop
• Using Hadoop Manager for Easy Installation
• Basic Configuration Parameters
• Hands-On Exercise
Advanced Configuration :
• Advanced Parameters
• Configuring Rack Awareness
• Configuring Federation
• Configuring High Availability
• Using Configuration Management Tools
Hadoop Security :
• Why Hadoop Security Is Important
• Hadoop’s Security System Concepts
• What Kerberos Is and How it Works
• Configuring Kerberos Security
• Integrating a Secure Cluster with Other Systems
Managing and Scheduling Jobs:
• Managing Running Jobs
• Hands-On Exercise
• The FIFO Scheduler
• The Fair Scheduler
• Configuring the Fairr Scheduler
• Hands-On Exercise
Cluster Maintenance:
•Checking HDFS Status
•Hands-On Exercise
•Copying Data Between Clusters
•Adding and Removing Cluster Nodes
•Rebalancing the Cluster
•Hands-On Exercise
•NameNode Metadata Backup
• Cluster Upgrading
Cluster Monitoring and Troubleshooting:
• General System Monitoring
• Managing Hadoop’s Log Files
• Using the Name Node and Job Tracker Web UrIs
• Hands-On Exercise
• Cluster Monitoring with Ganglia
• Common Troubleshooting Issues
• Benchmarking Your Cluster
Populating HDFS from External Sources:
• An Overview of Flume
• Hands-On Exercise
• An Overview of Sqoop
• Best Practices for Importing Data
Installing and Managing Other Hadoop Projects:
• Hive
• Pig
•H Base
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS):
Recognize and identify daemons and understand the normal operation of an Apache Hadoopcluster, both in data storage and in data processing. Describe the current features of computing systems that motivate a system like Apache Hadoop:
• HDFS Design
• HDFS Daemons
• HDFS Federation
• Securing HDFS (Kerberos)
• File Read and Write Paths
Developing Solutions Using Apache Hadoop
This course is intended for experienced developers who wish to write, maintain and/or optimize Apache Hadoop jobs. A background in Java is preferred, but experience with other programming languages such as PHP, Python or C# is sufficient.
Course Outline:
Introduction the Motivation for Hadoop
• Problems with Traditional Large-Scale Systems
• Requirements for a New Approach
• Introducing Hadoop
Hadoop: Basic Concepts:
• The Had Project and Hadoop Components
• The Hadoop Distributed File System
• Hands-On Exercise: Using HDFS
• How MapReduce Works
• Hands-On Exercise: Running a MapReduce Job
• How a Hadoop Cluster Operates
• Other Hadoop Ecosystem Projects
Writing a Map Reduce Program:
• The Map Reduce Flow
• Basic Map Reduce API Concepts
• Writing Map Reduce Drivers, Mappers and Reducers in Java
• Writing Mapers and Reducers in Other Languages Using the Streaming API
• Speeding Up Hadoop Development by Using Eclipse
•Hands-On Exercise: Writing a Map Reduce Program
• Differences between the Old and New Map Reduce APIs
Unit Testing Map Reduce Programs:
• Unit Testing
• The J Unit and MR Unit Testing Frameworks
• Writing Unit Tests with MR Unit
• Hands-On Exercise: Writing Unit Tests with the MR Unit Framework
Diving Deeper into the Hadoop API :
• Using the Tool Runner Class
• Hands-On Exercise: Writing and Implementing a Combiner
• Setting Up and Tearing Down Mappers and Reducers by Using the Configure andClose Methods
• Writing Custom Petitioners for Better Load Balancing
• Optional Hands-On Exercise: Writing a Practitioner
• Accessing HDFS Programmatically
• Using the Distributed Cache
• Using the Hadoop API’s Library of Mappers, Reducers and Partitioners
Practical Development Tips and Techniques:
• Strategies for Debugging Map Reduce Code
• Testing Map Reduce Code Locally by Using Local Job Reducer
• Writing and Viewing Log Files
• Retrieving Job Information with Counters
• Determining the Optimal Number of Reducers for a Job
• Creating Map-Only MapReduce Jobs
• Hands-On Exercise: Using Counters and a Map-Only Job
Data Input and Output:
• Creating Custom Writable and WritableComparable Implementations
• Saving Binary Data Using SequenceFile and Avro Data Files
• Implementing Custom Input Formats and Output Formats
• Issues to Consider When Using File Compression
• Hands-On Exercise: Using SequenceFiles and File Compression
Common MapReduce Algorithms :
• Sorting and Searching Large Data Sets
• Performing a Secondary Sort
• Indexing Data
• Hands-On Exercise: Creating an Inverted Index
• Computing Term Frequency — Inverse Document Frequency
• Calculating Word Co-Occurrence
• Hands-On Exercise: Calculating Word Co-Occurrence (Optional)
• Hands-On Exercise: Implementing Word Co-Occurrence with a Customer Writable Cable (Optional)
Joining Data Sets in Map Reduce Jobs:
• Writing a Map-Side Join
• Writing a Reduce-Side Join
Integrating Hadoop into the Enterprise Workflow:
•Integrating Hadoop into an Existing Enterprise
•Loading Data from an RDBMS into HDFS by Using Sqoop
• Hands-On Exercise: Importing Data with Sqoop
• Managing Real-Time Data Using Flume
• Accessing HDFS from Legacy Systems with Fuse DFS
Machine Learning and Mahout:
• Introduction to Machine Learning
• Using Mahout
• Hands-On Exercise: Using a Mahout Recommender
An Introduction to Hive and Pig:
• The Motivation for Hive and Pig
• Hive Basics
•Hands-On Exercise: Manipulating Data with Hive
•Pig Basics and  HttpFS
• Hands-On Exercise: Using Pig to Retrieve Movie Names from Our Recommender
• Choosing Between Hive and Pig
An Introduction to Oozie:
•Introduction to Oozie
•Creating Oozie Workflows
•Hands-On Exercise: Running an Oozie Workflow
Industry Interface Program
• Modular Assignments
• Mini Projects
• 1 Major Project
Domains / Industry:
•Retail Industry
•Banking & Finance
•Manufacturing & Production
•Web Application Development
•Research & Analytics
•HR & Consultancy
• Consumer Electronics
• Event Management Industry
• Telecom
Training & Performance Tracking:
Knowledge related to current technology aspects and corporate level deliverable & Continuous training and assessment to make you industry ready. Throughout the Training Curriculum Candidate will go through a Scheduled Assessment Process as below:
• Continues Assessments
• Practical Workshops
• Modular Assignments
• Case Studies & Analysis
• Presentations (Latest Trends & Technologies)
• Tech Seminars
• Technical Viva
• Observing live Models of various projects
• Domain Specific Industry Projects
Skills Development Workshop:
Communication is something which all of us do from the very first day of our life, yet there isa question that haunts us most of the time “Did I express myself correctly in such and such situation?” The answer to this question is really tricky, because in some cases we leave our signatures and good impression but in some others we even fail to get our idea clearly. It happens mostly because we don’t know how to act in certain situations. Every time we fail we don’t lose completely, we do learn something, but prior knowledge of the same thing could be more beneficial because then we could have turned that failure into success.
The course / workshop would focus at many aspects of personality, like:
• Building positive relationships with peers & seniors
• Building self-confidence & Developing clear communication skills
• Exploring and working on factors that help or hinder effective interpersonal communication
• Learning impacts of non-verbal behavior & Dealing with difficult situations anddifficult people
Workshops Consists of Following Activities:
• Personality Development
• Group Discussions & Debates
• Seminars & Presentations
• Case Studies & Analysis
• Corporate Communication Development
• HR & Interview Skills
• Management Games & Simulations
• Aptitude, Logical & Reasoning Assessments & Development 

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Cloud Comptuing

Cloud Computing Course in Noida
Cloud computing is the technology of which is based on the internet media. With the help of this methodology many servers offers software applications, resources and information to the computers and devices attached on request with the control of electricity grid. It is known as the service architectures or virtualization for improving the utility of the computational techniques. The System is service oriented and customer focused. Complete detail is taken from the customer and delivers the service according to the need. The main idea of cloud computing is based on the cloud that is specifically designed for the processing each related device is present in this cloud of network. Could computing remains invisible to the customers’ .They only have to pay for their resource that they use in cloud computing service.
How cloud computing works:
Cloud computing involves the multiple cloud components that communicate with each other with the help of application interfaces mostly web services. UNIX operating system follows the same theoretical techniques for its tasks. The task complexity is divided into all the components making balanced and manageable results. The two most important components of the back end and front end .the front end is the interfaces or the main screen that is visible to the customers and users through which they interact with the system. This interface can be browsed with the help of web browsers and all the applications can be used with this interface. Usually this interface is GUI based. The back end involves all the components and the complete architecture and programming technique of cloud computing that is totally remains hidden from the users. Only system known what is going one at the back of very user request. The back end device involves, cloud server, Assistant computers, Data storage media and many connectors.
Historical background
The very first concept for the cloud computing was given by the John McCathy in 1960s.he first gave the statement for the future use of computational techniques as a public utility. With the arrival of the Virtual private networks this concept which was modernized in 1966 took implementation shape in year 2007 the most famous organization such as Google ,IBM and may universities worldwide started research program on cloud computing and finally in 2008 the first cloud computing system was introduced.
Advantages of the cloud computing :-
1) Agile functionalities: Cloud computing enables user to frequently use the technological resource at inexpensive price.
2) Application interface for users: Another great feature plus advantage of cloud computing system is the accessible and reliable interface for its users API technology make it more interesting for the users to interact with the human beings.
3)  Cost effective : This computing techniques greatly reduce the total cost and capital expenses that comes in arranging the infrastructure .integrated resources are available at almost no cost to the third party users.
4) Geographical independence of system and devices: The most exciting feature of the cloud computing is its total geographical independence. Its users can access the system from the web browsers anywhere in the world at any time.
5) Multi and large application pool: Large application pool is available for the users.
6) Reliability: improved design versions of many redundant website have efficiently increase the performance and suitability of cloud computing more useful.
7) Security: Security is at the one level above as compared to the other networks because of the centralization of data and increased security feature of very individual component.
8) Maintenance: Cloud computing systems are flexible and easy to maintain because components can be added and deleted from the infrastructure